Hello people! I present to you a blog series on HEALTH. I’ll be starting with Men’s Health in this post.

Men are very important humans in the society, but sadly, a lot of men out there are widely known to be indifferent towards their health which accounts for why men have shorter life span compared to women.

But then, fortunately, many of the health issues faced by men can be easily avoided by paying attention to little things.

Some of these health issues are more prevalent in men than in women and most men tend to die from them more than any other illness. They are:

– Heart diseases

– Prostrate and testicular cancer. It is very good to check your prostrate regularly. Prostate cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in men nowadays, maybe aside skin cancer.

– Erectile dysfunction. This might not cause death though.

– Diabetes

– Stroke

If you start noticing any of these signs in yourself, don’t hesitate! Visit your doctor. Don’t procrastinate, get yourself checked up. Even if you don’t feel the signs yet, it’s advisable to go for medical check-up from time to time.

How often you go for check-up is dependent on various factors such as health condition, pregnancy, age and so on. But then, if you have no health condition, it is advised that you have a medical check-up at least once a year, for adults below 50 and about monthly for adults over 50.


I no longer workout because they said it is important, I now workout because I love it and I’ve got used to it.

Olamilekan Akinsulure

Working out or exercising doesn’t necessarily mean hitting a gym and lifting or bench pressing 150kg, no. But then, 30 minutes walk daily is good enough. It does more wonders than you think.

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity activity, such as brisk walking. Click the link below to read more on it.

Jogging, skipping, and many others are good exercises for the body.

Exercises do wonders for your muscles, your skin, your mood, your heart, even your brain. So, do not take workout with levity.

Running up a set of stairs is a simple exercise that helps the body.


Some habits can be scary. Habits over time can become an addictiom which is a silent killer.

Smoking, drinking, doing hard drugs, premarital and extramarital sex, masturbation, gluttony, excessive self medication are all bad habits that need to be broken. Smokers will die young.

According to CDC, “More than 16 million Americans are living with a disease caused by smoking.” This causes countless deaths every year.

Don’t let your life span be determined by some bad habit that you can do away with. Do well to quit that habit today.


Go for natural foods such as fruits and vegetables, take correct vitamins, fish, controlled meat intake, take whole grain products, protein-rich foods such as beans and take plenty of water.

Stay away from processed foods, canned foods and all. They usually contain excess additives, sugar and all. They are very dangerous for the health. Also avoid artificial fats and plenty fatty foods.

You are what you eat!


“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”

Tim Notke

Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise – Proverbs 6:6 (ESV)

Working hard is good. Working smart is better. Come on, you’re a man! Go out there and do something meaningful. Sitting around doing nothing all day takes a toll on your health. Hard work and smart work pay.


Quit nursing grudges. Let it out. You’ll only give yourself heartache, headache, anxiety, emotional distress, stress, depression and insecurity. All these have negative effect on your health as a man.

Check out this highly inspiring post on the issue of forgiveness, written by an inspirational writer. Do well to read through. It’ll help a lot.

Click here to read the post.

I believe that if you do all these things that I have talked about, good health is guaranteed for you.

Don’t forget to like and share massively to other people so they can learn. If you have any questions or comment, the comment section is open for you.

Anticipate the next post on WOMEN’S HEALTH. Merci 💪

You can reach me on any of the following media:

Phone/WhatsApp: +2348081090823

Instagram: Lekis_Fitness


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