Beauty and Fitness Tips

Staying fit!

Staying beautiful! (Attractive)

Staying fit and beautiful!

This is literally everyone’s goal. So, this article will show you some amazing tips on how to attain beauty and fitness and even maintain it. You’ve got to be fit and fine!!


The basis of every form of healthy living, including beauty and fitness is healthy diet. No matter how much skin care you do, how much exercising you do, if your diet is not good enough, it’s all wasted efforts. Put in efforts to eating healthy. You don’t know which diet plan to take up for your desired fitness goal? Contact me right away or drop your question in the comment section.


Exercise frequently! Exercise will help you get fit. It’ll improve your heart rate, improve your strength, endurance, flexibility and even give you a good body composition. Don’t ever downplay the power of exercise. Take note, exercise frequently, but don’t exercise too hard. Don’t go too hard on yourself. Take it slow, but steady.

For best results, just consult a fitness expert. Also, it is important to note that it is not very good to workout under direct sun rays. It can damage the skin, due to exposure to UV rays. It can also lead to heat stroke when the heat gets too much. So, it is better to just workout under a roof, especially when the sun is up and high. Also, hydrate intermittently.


Research has shown that dehydration is a major cause of headache. So, take sufficient water in order to prevent headaches and even several other health issues. Hydration also improves the skin and gives it more glow. It helps clear acne, helps flush toxins, helps improve one’s mood and many other benefits of water. Water intake is a must if you want to stay beautiful and even fit.


Moisturizing is a process of reducing the dryness of the skin by applying (safe) products, called moisturizers on the skin. This helps the skin to appear soft, smooth, bright, moisturized and glowing. It is very important to moisturize the skin because it can help reduce dryness in the stratum corneum, reduce aging and help the skin become healthier.

There are countless moisturizers out there, so it is advisable to visit a dermatologist so they can recommend a good moisturizer, they can tell you when, and even how to moisturize properly for effective results.


Sleep is very important for the health, for fitness and for beauty. And not just any sleep, quality and quantity sleep. It is easy to trivialize sleep, but sleep is more important than you think. CDC has given the recommended quantity of sleep for each age group for best results and effectiveness, it is important to strictly adhere. It is during the process of sleep that rebuild of worn out muscles occur, revitalization of skin cells and general body grows better. Never skip your beauty nap!


Research has shown that stress and worrying can negatively affect the skin by causing acne and eczema breakouts, it can also cause body aches, muscle aches, fatigue and several other conditions that can affect your beauty and fitness. Personally from experience, I noticed that when I’m stressed, my face produces more oil which can cause acne breakout. I also don’t look my best when I’m stressed. So, as much as possible, avoid stress and avoid worrying too much. Here are ways you can effectively manage stress and be alright.

Also, take this point very seriously. It will help you stop worrying:

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Philippians 4 verse 6

So, if you can intentionally follow the tips I highlighted above, rest assured that you’re on your way to achieving/sustaining beauty and fitness.

Do you find this article helpful and relatable? Drop your views and comments in the comment box. Don’t forget to like and share massively. Merci 💪

2 thoughts on “Beauty and Fitness Tips

  1. Oh..I haven’t been getting quality sleep since the beginning of the week, no wonder I’ve been looking hideous😂💔. I’ll make sure to add that to my “must-do-list”💪. Thanks for the tip🫠


    1. I’m very sure you don’t look hideous as you claim😂
      But then, just make sure you get quality sleep, especially this weekend. Take a lot of water too and take some of your nice pasta and potato thing, you know. 🙌🙌😂


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